Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chapter 18 : N.E.mation Ambassador Journey Part 1

*Special Chapter


I know, this is like a super huge event that I've been to so far and it's not going to stop here. Well, if fate has it, I most probably will be having a 3 part-er to this whole N.E.mation 6 Craze or maybe more. This will officially be the start of my journey of being one of the 8 finalist for the N.E.mation Ambassador!

I shall start the post with a line up of events from the moment I stepped in to the session till the end held entirely at Theatre For The Arts.

10:00am - Animation Clip Screening (国本式春) It was some kind of Japanese/Chinese Animation Clip. Short, Simple and yet entertaining although I watched only half the video because I was kind of late.

10.05am - Animation Clip Screening (Frog In The Well) This is a rather interesting video that was made by the presenter himself, there was no voice, entirely music and sounds. Took him about 1.5 years to complete and it took him 2,000 drawings to complete the entire thing. Amazing right? Well, at the end of the day as he said, it's not about the drawing, you may be lousy at drawing but at least if you have a good storyline I guess it's pretty much good enough to catch the attention of the viewers. (Sorry I don't remember the presenter's name)


10.10am - After the video clip, they also introduced the team of Animagine that would be assisting the teams in the best of their ability to help them score into the finals.

10.15am - They invited a instructor who shared some presentation skills and tips for the audience. Ms Chi Pin Lay, she used to be from Nanyang Girls and moved on since then and now she's on her own giving talks around the world. Awesome right? I liked how she engaged the students most of the time instead of just talking like some kind of bullet train, she really did stop and consider about the students, checked if they understood what she was talking about and asked them questions as well to get them to interact, I did feel that the advice she gave would really benefit the students in this competition but in the long run too! Not only did she share tips that can be used for this competition, she was also sharing life skills on how to approach a crowd of people, bringing your ideas and connecting with the audience, find the focal point of their story due to the time limit and these are very useful tips that even I learnt a little something although I'm not participating in the competition. 

10.20am - She led the crowd to their first exercise, where everyone had to crush a piece of waste paper and throw it into either boxes on their left and the other on their right. It was rather chaotic as you could see paper balls flying everywhere in the hall. Some even left their seats and threw it in, that's what I call going the extra mile. Overall, the main purpose of doing this was not for fun or to waste paper but instead she was trying to send the message that without Focus, you won't have a good presentation that sends out the message, so if you managed to get the paper ball in the box, you're focused and you sent the message and if you don't, most probably the focus isn't there. She then continued to talk about the fears and worries of presenting in front of a crowd, she showed a list of fears that are very common amongst the youth when presenting and yet again she was right when she said no matter how many times you may have presented on stage, you'll still feel butterflies in your stomach but the only difference is at least the number of butterflies decreases with each experience.

For those of you who are unable to view the video, I have to put the link instead, do view it!


She continued to teach them about how they should go about connecting with the audience, the focus required to come up with the best presentation, what should they memorize instead of the whole script, how should their posture be and what body language should they show, the time limit that they have, some slide tips like the 6x6 rules and the DOs and DON'Ts of presentation slides, how they should communicate as well as the content of the presentation. Just right before the break, she did told the crowd that there will be a 3 minute presentation for groups who want to use this time to sort of practice and get comments from Ms Chi Pin Lay herself on the spot.

11.15am - Break Time! I think this was rather the interesting part of the event because they didn't serve any ordinary snacks, they gave fruit bars that are being served to the NS men in training and I got one too!


11.38am - After the break, to get everyone hyped up, they had a 2nd Exercise where students get to practice Emphasis on certain words. 

It didn't stop there, there were even more exercises! They learnt how to "throw" their voice, resonance, tongue twister and to speak, pause and move. Basically when they "throw" their voice, it doesn't mean for them to throw it away, it's suppose to help them when they're speaking and she then got the students to try it amongst themselves while standing up. Resonance was suppose to teach them to speak accurately like (Ring Rang Rung). The Tongue Twister is something I can relate to the most whether if it's oral reading passages or even reading a sentence, my tongue always twists in the middle! :(


What are they looking at?

Tongue Twister! (Challenge yourself to say it as fast as you can in front of your computer screen, don't do it in public, people might think you're weird...)

 12.10pm - 3 Minutes Talk Begin! A few schools were brave enough to volunteer themselves to talk about the topics ranging from music, addiction, happiness, dating, hobby, social media, art, beauty, and making decisions.


(You might wonder why 100 teams look so little well, indeed it isn't the complete 100 because this only only 50, the other 50 teams will have another session.)

12.40pm - After Ms Chi Pin Lay ended her session of Presentation Tips, they invited real Army Men from the Singapore Armed Forces to share their experiences in Pulau Tekong from their Basic Military Training all the way to the things they've learnt and how NS had benefitted them physically and mentally.

*Due to the long duration for the video to sync into my computer, I will post the video of their sharing session soon, so do keep a lookout on my youtube channel!

You can check out their videos @
they have like episodes and updates of what's really going on in the army.

Here's one video which I guess most of us are probably familiar with, you've most likely seen it on your TV screen or in the cinemas while waiting for your movie to start.

If you're wondering who are the 4 guys above in the picture, well, they're being casted in the show called Every Singaporean Son which was being shown on the National Geographic Channel in March earlier this year, could you spot the people in the picture from the video? After watching the trailer, it got me thinking about how would national service be when it's my turn?

If you want to find out more of the latest updates from the briefings do check out the N.E.mation Facebook Page and Twitter!


And for the readers out there who like this post and want to show your support for me, well, you can do so by voting for me on Facebook at the N.E.mation! Facebook Page.

Steps for New Readers and Voters
Step 2:  Like the N.E.mation! Page before you can vote.
Step 3: Go to the NE Ambassador Vote to vote for me, I'm number 6, Marcus Khoo Cheng Chun

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 everyday till 30th September 2011

Step 5 (Optional) : Get your friends to vote too!
If you're unclear, do look at the picture below to make sure you get it right!

P/S : If you don't see the number increasing when you pressed vote, make sure to refresh the page or check if you pressed "Submit Your Vote".

& this part is just a little part of this post where I like to call it the Thank You section, I would like to thank all the voters that voted for me so far! Really appreciate your effort and time to just click vote. Thank you so much! Feel so touched just by knowing that there are people voting for me and supporting me throughout this N.E.mation Journey! :)

Signing off with a picture!

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