Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chapter 21 : N.E.mation Ambassador Journey Part 3

*Special Chapter


Yesterday (10/09/2011) was the day that the Top 10 Teams for N.E.mation 6 was announced and they will continue to move on and create their stories into a 1 minute animation clip, using the methods that were being taught during the workshop, that will be broad casted on free-to-air channels on Television for the whole of Singapore to see. Sounds shocking right? The sad thing was, another 10 teams had to leave empty-handed but at least they brought back valuable lessons that can't be re-taught and memories with their friends/ teammates that will last with them throughout their life!

So let's get started with-hopefully-not-my-last-post-regarding-NEmation6 shall we?

 Pitching was held in this room, sadly, I didn't get to see any teams do their pitching cause I came a little late.

 The Top 10 Teams waiting for the results! You could see some of them are either occupied with holiday homework or busy playing with their Playstation, iPad or Nitendo DS or staring into space...

Like I said, some were busy rushing holiday homework while waiting for results! Hardworking!

 This would also be the last time the Top 20 are gathered together because once this is over...

 Things will never be the same again...

 I don't know if he was using his phone at the angle where it just so happened to be pointing at me or he's just simply taking a picture of me and I happened to caught it on camera.

While the judges were discussing in another room on who should make it to the Top 10, the students got to watch Tangled (Rapunzel, as most of us know it) to kill time and to make them less anxious.

Just a short clip of how he announces the results.

 He could join Singapore Idol and be the host with his top notch announcement skills! :P He did a rather good job at announcing, at least it wasn't that boring.

I know I said they went home empty-handed but not really cause they got to get a handshake from the Deputy Director of Nexus, a certificate of participation, a goodie bag and a free photo of their team!

Trying to look calm, trying not to panic.

Four teams were being called down at the same time and only two out of the four made it.

For the teams that lost, I really could feel for them as I've been through losing before. If you're a constant follower of my previous blog you would have known that I've taken part in the National Youth Business Challenge (NYBC), each time the announcer is on stage announcing the results, we always get anxious and by the time they annouce ours and knowing that we didn't do that well, we do feel upset inside although we try to put up a straight face in reality, but the thing that makes it all better is the fact that we were able to make it all the way here that counts. I know this is going to sound lame but I'm going to say it, it's somewhat like Glee! If you do watch Glee, you'll understand what I mean because each time Glee goes for either Regionals or Nationals, they end up losing, and at the end of the day, they just think about the experiences, the memories they've shared as a team and continue to move on and sing about it, that's why there's Glee Season 3, okay... before I go out of point, I'm trying to say that don't be disheartened cause like what the Deputy Director in the video stated, there will be N.E.mation 7! :O and many more, 8, 9 maybe 10? So yeah, don't lose faith, if you don't make it the first time, there's still the next.


ChaptersOfMarcus is proud to present you, the Top 10 Teams of N.E.mation 6! *(However, 1 team was not present as they left early)


The Top 10 Teams of N.E.mation 6 2011!

If you're thinking that this is the end, well you're wrong cause it's only just the beginning of a new chapter for these top 10 teams, they'll be going for a 3 week production that will take place from 21 November to 9 December 2011, where they will be spending their time to work on a 1 minute animation clip that will be broad casted on television and from there, they will determine who will be the team that will fly to USA and visit Dream works and learn how Kung Fu Panda was created & so will one of the seven ambassadors.
& so.....

This concludes my should-be-halfway journey of documenting N.E.mation 6 so far. I would like to take this chance to thank the people from Dice Studio/N.E.mation for selecting my post back then to be enlisted as an N.E.mation 6 Ambassador Finalist. I've really learnt a lot from it from Day 1 till today, especially when trying out Stop Motion Animation, it brought back a lot of memories for me when I was in Primary School. I would also like to thank my voters for voting for me daily/occasionally/once. (How I wish there was dramatic music when you're reading this :p)

So yeah, this experience is rather new to me and I do hope that I could continue cause I really enjoyed my time there and I would be more than happy to continue documenting about the 3 week production for you guys or if you prefer the other N.E.mation Ambassadors do feel free to support us by voting for us at -

If only you saw what I could see over the past week, you'll definitely find that N.E.mation really means a lot to these students and it will make them a different person during the 3 week production as they will be facing even more problems than what they faced during this past week.

I hoped you enjoyed reading my N.E.mation journey and hope that it won't be my last too!

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