Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chapter 27 : Christmas Time is Here!

I know, it isn't "officially" here yet, but with the atmosphere and decorations along orchard road, it does feel a little bit like Christmas and yes I'm going to say it again, time goes by very fast, before you know it New Year will be over and Chinese New Year will arrive and another year begins!

How will I be celebrating christmas this year?
Well, this year I decided to do something different for Christmas this year, by different I mean, something I've never done before, which is to watch a Musical! Which Musical? Wicked! I doubt people my age really know of it but basically if you've watched "The Wizard of Oz", Wicked is just another side of the story of how the story is being shown from another angle, which is rather interesting to be able to see another view of the story that you used to know and what's more it's a LIVE MUSICAL! I would want to count this as my first musical but I can't cause I've been to my school's Animal Farm Musical play, but Wicked would be my first Atas (High Class) Musical. The moment I found out Wicked was coming so Singapore, I wanted to ge the tickets as early as possible cause I knew tickets for Christmas Day would be sold out if I bought it nearer to the date, and being the typical Singaporean, I bought the tickets in August! (Kiasu-ism) and prior to the musical, I even bought the books as there is a series to it! Shows how much I want to know about the entire story...

Alright, I guess I bore you enough with my wicked christmas story, haha. The next time I blog most probably will be on Christmas Day or the day after!

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